Ontustik Special Economic Zone

Kazakhstan - Онтыстық Әкімшілік - Экономикалық зона

Ontustik Special Economic Zone Kazakhstan Онтыстық Әкімшілік-Экономикалық зона Онтыстик Специальная Экономическая Зона, Казахстан カザフスタンのオンテュスティク特殊経済ゾーン 哈萨克斯坦南部经济特区 카자흐스탄 온투스틱 특별 경제 구역 ترجمة إلى العربيةSonderwirtschaftszone Ontustik, Kasachstan

The Ontustik Special Economic Zone (SEZ) was established by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2005 with the aim of accelerating regional development and integrating the Republic’s economy into global economic networks. Covering 225 hectares, the zone is strategically located in Shymkent, the third most populous city in Kazakhstan, fostering regional and transit trade due to its proximity to Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.

The SEZ boasts significant infrastructure, including natural gas off-take, supporting diverse industries. Over the years, it has attracted substantial private investment, with a notable return on budgetary funds. The zone has prioritized light, chemical, petrochemical, and mechanical engineering industries, contributing to job creation and economic growth.

Achievements and Impact at Ontustik Special Economic Zone

As of the first half of 2022, the SEZ has seen the successful implementation of 32 projects, with a total investment value of 130.4 billion tenge, generating 6,285 jobs. The volume of production, exports, and tax and social contributions has significantly contributed to the region’s economic vitality.

The SEZ management company provides a streamlined process for participants, offering various tax exemptions, including corporate income tax, land tax, wealth tax, and value-added tax. Customs privileges, simplified foreign worker hiring procedures, and free land for up to 10 years further enhance the attractiveness of Ontustik for businesses.

Industrial Zones for Regional Development

Beyond the SEZ, the region has established 11 industrial zones covering 959 hectares, aimed at fostering small and medium-sized businesses. These zones offer ready infrastructure, cost advantages, convenient logistics, and comprehensive project support, aligning with the principles of “one window” assistance.

Within the framework of the Business Road Map – 2020 program, various projects have been approved, focusing on working capital replenishment, textile production, and raw material processing. These initiatives aim to support and develop businesses in the region.

Ontustik Special Economic Zone – A Textile Hub

The primary objective of SEZ “Ontustik” is the development of the textile industry, emphasizing domestic cotton consumption and the production of high-value textile products. With a territorial expanse of 200 hectares, the SEZ has seen the implementation of 10 projects totaling 27.8 billion tenge, creating 1,056 jobs.

The Zone stands as a testament to Kazakhstan’s commitment to regional development, economic diversification, and global integration. Through strategic planning, infrastructure development, and targeted support, the region aims to foster industries, create employment opportunities, and contribute to the nation’s economic prosperity.

Additional Details for Ontustik Special Economic Zone

  • Total area: 200 hectares
  • Land available: 4.3 hectares
  • Tenants: Bal Decor LLP, Khlopkoprom-Celluloza LLP, Shymkent-Cashmere LLP
  • Workforce: 1,690
  • Electricity supply: 160 MW
  • Natural gas: 10,000 cubic metres per hour
  • Wastewater treatment: 34,854 m3/day
  • Water supply: 50,232 m3/day
  • Dry port / Railway: Two railway lines
  • Tax incentives: VAT for goods sold in SEZ 
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