Amir Abad Port Special Economic Zone

Iran - منطقه ویژه اقتصادی بندر امیر آباد

منطقه ویژه اقتصادی بندر امیر آباد Amir abad Special Economic Zone منطقة أمير آباد الاقتصادية الخاصة، إيران Специальная экономическая зона Амирабад, Иран Sonderwirtschaftszone Amirabad, Iran 伊朗阿米拉巴德特别经济区 이란 아미라바드 특별 경제구

Amir Abad Port SEZ (Special Economic Zone) is focused more on port related activities. Such as a container and other cargo transit point in the central European region than as a fully fledged manufacturing base. Logistics could play an important role in this zone that was initiated in the late 1990’s. However it has not fulfilled its potential until now. The location on the Caspian Sea as well as being near Tehran (330 km) the capital of Iran. These are important advantages going forward.

Investment priorities in Amir Abad Port Special Economic Zone

  • Fuel oil transit activities including construction of fuel oil tank farm.
  • Transit of container and car to C.I.S countries.
  • Steel industry.
  • Wood and paper industry.
  • Export of mineral material.
  • Transit of grain.
  • Fresh water supply system.
  • Reception facilities.
  • Ship chandling, water supply and other same activities.

Other activities of C.I.S countries requirements.

Ports and maritime organization of Iran supports last four above-mentioned investment opportunities through give loan from managed funds and also special reduction in land lease rate.

Amirabad S.E.Z  port  is located in  the east  of   Mazandaran   Province 51 km from  the center  of  province. This  port with    1060 hectare  logistic   lands, multimodal    transport infrastructure,  rail Ro-Ro , truck  RO-RO  perform  national  & international  role to cargo  transit  and   direct   transport   and easy  accesses  to  C.IS consumer   market  with  population more  than 300  million  people.

Kazakhstan connection

Kazakhstan’s vessels actively navigate the Caspian corridor of the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC), facilitating direct trade routes between the ports of Aktau and Kuryk and key Iranian ports like Anzali and Amir Abad. As the largest port in the Caspian, Amir Abad Port features a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) linked to regional rail networks, enhancing connectivity and logistics efficiency.

Cargo transit at Amir Abad Port Special Economic Zone

Amir Abad Port S.E.Z   as one  of the symbols  of  Iran orientation   to cargo  transit and  creation  of  basic transport   infrastructure in order  to achieve  global  standards  and use of maximum  transit  capacity   plays  an important  role   in the north of country including    foreign   currency  earning,   employment, attraction  of  foreign and domestic  investment,  , increasing   the  role of  Islamic  Republic  of Iran  in  Caspian  Sea     and   creation  of  transit corridor.  

 The construction  of this modern  big port complex began in 1996,Because  of its   potential  abilities  and numerous  facilities. This  port has been  approved  as  a Special  Economic  Zone in 1997 by  the secretariat  of  free zone high  council. After five years of efforts,   the first sign of a large port realized  and   the emergency phase of  the port was  inaugurated  by  Dr.Dadman (Late minister  of road & transportation) in  April 2001.

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